Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Band Love: BEAST

I am instantly addicted to this glorious local Montreal band. I got one of their songs for free when I went to Osheaga last year and got handed a card for free iTunes downloads. It was ages before I listened to it, but eventually loved it. For some reason I've only just very recently checked out their other stuff.

I have no idea how I missed them at the festival last year. Wtf.

According to their myspace, "A prominent journalist who shall go unnamed wrote: 'Beast sounds like what you might hear at the last cabaret on the road to hell.'" A purely awesome fusion of "alternative, electro, hip hop, trip-rock or just ‘go to hell music.’" Whatever you'd like to call it. Experimental/trip-hop as their myspace states.

June 29th, free Beast concert at the Jazz Fest. HUZZAH!
I love Montreal.

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